RJB: Machine

Holy blueprints from Rev. Jerry's archives


My transfer, transducer, and de-demoniger machine.  Also anti-ringing. Rev. Jerry

Rev. Jerry was interested in mechanics and drew many imaginary machines. The purpose of this one? Possibly it detected demonic energy (transducer), then removed the evil from it (de-demoniger?), and transferred the purified energy to Rev. Jerry. Or maybe something else entirely, what do you think it does?

I mean, aside from preventing his ears from ringing.

RJB: Purple Journal 6


March 2nd – 1999, 10:05 AM

Dear Blessed Virgin Mary,

All my authority is yours if you pick me up in your ship you showed me in New Port Richey years ago.  I got to keep for you a nice radio tape to tape and equalizer, 220 Swift, microscope kit, and books I wrote that nobody can understand.

Your loving husband.

<Special angel – brunette

Another child-like letter, written in print riddled with hearts and containing an itemized list of special items Rev. Jerry holds dear for his trip to Heaven to live with his wife; a microscope, a radio, a recorder, his secret diaries, and a bullet.


.220 Swift shell casing

“New Port Richey” is only about 40 minutes away from Pinellas Park.  This geographical reference supports my postulation that Pinellas County was Rev. Jerry’s home.  Since the Virgin Mary’s ship (a spaceship, I assume; though this is a coastal area; she could have been a pirate) appeared to Rev. Jerry “years ago” I wonder if the New Port Richey area was a previous address for him, a vacation, or mostly insignificant.

Pinellas Park & New Port Richey

Speaking of insignificance… this blog is dedicated to eliminating it.  There is no way to judge the importance of any factor in a diary entry by Rev. Jerry, so I try to examine them all.  I find the most amazing keys to understanding his world sometimes in the smallest of phrases.  And sometimes I just find beauty:

“Books I wrote that nobody can understand…”

The last line in this entry is written in blue pen, while the rest of the entry was in black. Is it recording a vision?

RJB: Purple Journal 6

Feb. 1st, 1999, 2:00 PM

Today I made a agreement with Blesssed Virgein Mother to have her for love and eliminate many others from sex with me.  In anywhere.

So Mary’s got our playboy tied down!  This entry is made in plain script, with hearts dotting every “i” and substituted for the “o” in “other”.  A very sweet and loving entry, though one has to wonder what “in anywhere” implies.

Aw, but "anywhere" was my favorite place to put it!

Published in: on February 23, 2011 at 9:33 PM  Leave a Comment  
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RJB: Purple Journal 3

Page 3 of the Purple Journal feels much like the many scrap pages in my own journals; where I have jotted down a phone number and then absently doodled and written notes to myself as I listened to the phone ringing. It has what appear to be two phone numbers, “5?? 7?59 BK Sherry” and “546-?5?9 Home”.

Page 3 of The Purple Journal

Then there is a series of 7 upright Y-shaped figures, possibly representing cuneiform.  Below that row, the Y-shapes have fallen on their sides and, like umbrellas blown inside-out in the wind, have become arrows pointing to the underlined phrase “The Sons of King Anu wanted to go home also”.

An example of cuneiform counting marks

“King Anu” probably refers to the Sumerian Anu, a sky-god who, with his sister-consort, created the world.  This creation myth is sometimes linked to the original Hebrew version of the Genesis story.  Finding this mention of Anu has explicated a great deal of Rev. Jerry’s beliefs:  he has been heavily influenced by Zecharia Sitchin, the author of The Twelfth Planet and other texts that confuse historic and scientific information with religious beliefs to form a new cult belief system.

From Wikipedia.com:

Zecharia Sitchin (January 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010) was an Azeri-born American author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he states was a race of extra-terrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He believed this hypothetical planet of Nibiru to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth’s own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view.

I do not know much about Sitchin’s belief system, I am only familiar enough with its basics to recognize the similarities between it and Rev. Jerry’s obsession with space, gold, Hebrew, and cuneiform-like figures. I look forward to acquiring his books to help me understand Rev. Jerry more fully. I also hope to find someone in a 12th Planet community to help explain some of Rev. Jerry’s more cryptic references.

Zecharia Sitchin, author of "The Twelfth Planet"

I feel like this is a major breakthrough in my understanding of Rev. Jerry’s world!

Published in: on February 22, 2011 at 2:12 AM  Comments (1)  
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RJB: Purple Journal 2

Feb 2C-9999

Dear Blessed Mother. This is the year we shall all be free? I wish for the trump this at 28th of Feb. 1999 or whatever year it is. Are we still deadlocked? {yes} I’m glad it keeps us real close. Boy does my back hurt.

And several other things- kidneys mostly left one. And I never suffered from any kidney failure till I met their weird asses. I’m glad they’ll be in a frozen atmosphere. And I’m tickled blue cause of it.

I just can’t wait till the 28 of Feb 1999 or what ever year it is. Remember the news paper? 3 days missing? What a jyp. Will Harry Bubbers Clock radio just came on at 12:00 AM. Well my dear.

(eye) Lo(heart)ve you HOTc-D

Signature of Reverend Jerry Brown, transcribed as "HOTc-D"

Published in: on November 15, 2010 at 8:57 PM  Leave a Comment  
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RJB: Purple Journal 1

Feb 25-98

Dear Blessed Mother. How is our figure < lock? I’m so sorry it takes so much from you and I promise when I get picked up {us} I will only mate your golden vessell {vessul} 3 times a wk unless you require more? You can have complete athority over me. But still would love to smoke in hallways 4 be 4 1/2 star general with weapon to be water man at your hours.  22 hornet or 220 swift or 270 roger or 444 mag or AK-18 or 22 army weapon even a pea shooter would do. Your discretion.

I do trust all in Holy City. But you never can tell. I did get a dirty rap in Holy City in began. The little ones saw what happened to me and I shall never even touch a Blue Angel ever again. And I mean it. Rocker chairs are for old folk. And Whistler’s Mother.

Will you deside.  Right now my back hurts with excrusiating pain cause of Windell Caskskulls. The beat me badly and if Catt doesn’t store her now he can kiss my ass in front of all in the Holy City. I hate his guts and bitches that cum like dogs in heat. I learned fast. Sorry it took so long.


(eye) (heart) YU me

Published in: on November 15, 2010 at 8:39 PM  Leave a Comment  
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RJB: The Purple Journal

I’m beginning the transcriptions of RJB’s actual journals, starting with the first large spiral-bound notebook. This notebook has a translucent purple cover and will be referred to and tagged as the “Purple Journal”.

Rev. Jerry Brown's Purple Journal

The Purple Journal ranges from February 1998 to December 1999. It is explicit in content and passionate in tone. Though the first section is written in black ink, the bulk is penned with blue. RJB’s handwriting is strong, a mostly legible cursive scrawl whose consistency varies little, sometimes becoming looser at the bottom of the page (my handwriting does this too, does yours?).

The actual first page in the Purple Journal.

Most of the journal is generally boring to look at, being just writing. I will not, therefore, be scanning every page. However, throughout the journal he uses a few small symbols and coded words or phrases. I will endeavor to preserve some of these, as well as whatever sections of the entries I find most charming or most difficult to transcribe.

Speaking of transcription: I will preserve the unique spelling, capitalization, and punctuation only when it is valid to maintain the tone of the writing. In all other cases I will make corrections for readability. Anyone who would like to compare source material to my transcription (should such a person exist) can comment and request a scan of the page.

Published in: on November 15, 2010 at 8:34 PM  Leave a Comment  
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RJB: What about ladys?

Transcript (dedication at bottom): “To My Golden Wildwood Flower 10/12/1995 [symbols: like “hotc 2zoo”] 10:15″

Symbols reminiscent of sperm and fallopian tubes fly out of a glowing flower.

Transcript (clockwise, from top left): “98% Fertail / 97% Fertail For 52 yrs old  So Different kind of sperm seeds of men What about LAdys? [symbols, like “Yeh”] ONO-A-STAKE”

Cryptic notes on the back of the above page, probably unrelated.

Transcript: “Where the hell do you get off having the guts to say it to me God is no Fool? Who the hell are You? Scratch one for the worms on t.v. Set 8hrs. And yes”

Published in: on October 11, 2010 at 5:39 AM  Leave a Comment  
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RJB: Significant Cigarettes

Maverick Cigarette box labels, saved by RJB

The Maverick logo, printed in outline.

The Reverend Jerry Brown smoked Maverick cigarettes. His box of journals and notes is littered with the fronts of cigarette packs, carefully cut out; and among his mysterious set of personal symbols, the outline of the Maverick logo, which is sometimes printed on the insides of the labels, occasionally appears.

The copper foil that lines the inside of Maverick boxes.

Also litter d among his effects are bits of different colored foil salvaged from the inside lining of cigarette packs. He uses this foil on many of his drawings and schematics. It often seems that, in addition to its decorative properties, that the silver foil represents divine presence (see this example) and the copper, divine protection (see this example). Much rarer: Some illustrations use a gold foil, but I haven’t found any indication that this foil came from cigarette packs aside from  it sharing the consistency of the smoother silver paper foil that the silver wrapping logos appear on.

Published in: on October 11, 2010 at 5:34 AM  Leave a Comment  
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RJB: Planet Detonator

The Planet Detonator Destroyer

Schematic Transcript (Reading clockwise, from top left): “Thy Gods own design not mine  Titanium Dioxide points 2″ RIS X-10K Contack Bar and INC. Amp Circuit For  VU METER  FT  +  INC  For Fine Tuning To 100K uf ” “

Notes Transcript: “Planet Detonator Destroyer  ONE OF OURS – NO Sons OF  Bitchs – Wicked Planet  See how you let them use me! I hate it. Morbidly”

RJB created many schematics for divine machines. One is shown here: a Planet Detonator Destroyer. It is not clear whether this device is a destroyer of Planet Detonators, or a very thorough way to remove a planet from existence.

It is clear from his notes that he is very upset at being the conduit for this design. It is also interesting that, on the notes side, it appears that he asks a question and then used another color of marker to answer himself and even censor himself (coloring out the “B” in “Bitchs”).

Published in: on October 11, 2010 at 4:31 AM  Leave a Comment  
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